Naser Lessani
I’m a GIScience Ph.D. student in the Geography Department at Pennsylvania State University, advised by Dr. Zhenlong Li. My research primarily revolves around geospatial data analytics, machine learning, computational analysis, and understanding the role of human mobility in the spread of infectious diseases. Additionally, I am interested in exploring the impact of spatial variation on various phenomena, focusing on how to accurately capture these variations when analyzing events. This includes considering factors beyond mere geographical proximity, to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying spatial dynamics.
Prior to attending Penn State University, I was also working with Dr. Li at the University of South Carolina, USA. I received my M.Sc. from Central South University in Changsha, China, where I focused on designing an algorithm for map annotation. Given the NP-hard nature of this problem in graphic visualization, our goal was to develop a parallel algorithm based on the concept of genetic algorithms, which would be implementable in a parallel computing environment. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Geodesy Engineering from Kabul Polytechnic University, Kabul, Afghanistan. During my undergraduate studies, I was involved in several projects, including one on the university campus and others outside our department.